Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Settling In and Staying Busy

Jan-Feb 2011

Dear Praying Friends,

When I wrote last I was just beginning transition once again in ministry; going from working with an American missionary couple to working under National leadership.  I am so happy to report that the transition has been phenomenal and beyond what I could ever have imagined, isn't that just how God does things?
Probably the hardest part of transition was the first Sunday I attended church by myself without the Hydes.  I felt a little overwhelmed; I felt like I was alone for the first time, BUT I didn’t have time to feel that for long at all.  That first Sunday was our Christmas program and as I sat watching everyone rehearse, the pastor’s mom came over and sat by me to talk.  Valeria told me she and her family had been talking about me the night before and felt it important for me to know that they loved me and were excited that we’d be working together.  They also talked about the fact that with the Hydes gone it would be of utmost importance that they look out for me, and they have and have been so loving!!
            As a single missionary working with a couple, you become a part of their family and have that security of knowing you always have someone that is looking out for you.  When “my” couple left it was kind of scary.  The pastor I work under is young and single with an equally young fiancé.  But God in his wisdom placed me exactly where I needed to be.  Pastor Hugo, while young has the maturity, pastor’s heart and dependence on the Lord’s wisdom to lead his congregation.  His fiancé Jessica shares his passion for ministry and is eager to learn whatever she can to be used of God.  So really what I’d like you to know about this transition is that I LOVE how God has arranged and prepared the place he has me serving now. 
Here’s a quick look at what’s going on in the ministry and what I’m doing...hope you’re ready because it still makes my head spin at times. BUT, I am having so much fun and absolutely loving the challenges.  Ready?  I’m backing up and helping to train the new Sunday School director of the children’s ministry.  I’m mentoring three women weekly (including the Pastor’s fiancé) in leadership for women’s ministry and beginning a women’s ministry.  Right now we’re doing monthly meetings for the women of the church (which have been SO fun and well-received).  Part of the mentoring, includes how and why (Biblical basis) to have a women’s ministry, how to reach and minister to women, how to prepare devotions (studying and sharing from God’s Word).  I’m also helping to organize our VBS (I prefer sooner than later) and assisting two other missionaries with their VBS organization.  I was asked to do an 8 week Bible study for single women at a sister church and am taking the opportunity during this Bible study to train one of our ladies in preparation for a Sunday School class of young ladies in our church.  I’m also getting to do teacher training for several of our sister churches in the area.  I just started one on Saturday and will start another in about 3 weeks at another church...I’m getting to TEACH THEM TO REACH THEM.  I think that’s everything for NOW, oh wait I’m finishing my course work for my Masters, I have two classes to finish.  As you can see there’s much going on but God has enabled me to keep it all straight.  Right now the goal is survive until May (said with a smile).  I’ll be stateside in May for graduation from Seminary and I’m so excited about finally finishing!!!  The journey through God’s Word has been amazing and it has so enhanced my love for and knowledge of my Savior. Please pray for good health and great time management over the next couple of months.
            The ministry itself is growing and there is an excitement in the congregation for all that the Lord is doing.  We recently began cell groups and have guests every week.  We’ve seen new guests at church every week as a result and are seeing hearts begin to turn to the Lord as they are hearing the Gospel.  We are also seeing many in our congregation that are getting involved in the ministry.  It’s an exciting time.  Pray for wisdom for our pastor as we look for a new place to meet...we have so outgrown our current space.
One very important prayer request, my passport was JUST renewed and I’m beginning the Visa process again (done yearly), normally it takes 6-8 weeks for the Visa process.  My current Visa expires March 25th.  Please pray that the process goes through quickly or I will be without transportation until the Visa process is done.  Being without a car right now because of everything going on would be really difficult.  I covet your prayers during this process.
Thank you for your continued love and prayers, our Lord answers them in ways I could NEVER have imagined.

Love and prayers,
Cynthia Castillo

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