Saturday, July 23, 2011

Graduation and Germany


Dear Praying Friends,

The last few months have been more exciting than I could ever begin to convey in the few words that fit on this page.  When I wrote last there were many things that were just beginning and now just three short months later wow, there is much to tell!  Since January I have had the privilege of being invited to two local churches to do their teacher training.  In both churches there were between 18-20 teachers taking the course.  It was exciting to see their commitment and enthusiasm, especially after the class was done!
In January I was also given the responsibility of beginning a women’s ministry in our church and training women to be able to be the leadership for this new ministry.  It has been such a joy to work with them and watch them as they grow in their desire to minister to the women of the congregation.  Each month we plan a fellowship for the women of the church and each month we see more women attending and bringing visitors with them.  We have been able to reach some through this ministry that previously we were not able to reach, we have also seen some come to know the Lord as their Savior as a result.
Our Single Women’s ministry finished at the end of April and was a wonderful success; we drew women from 5 different churches for a time of fellowship and reflection of the sufficiency of Christ in all things.  We made new friends, studied God’s Word together and encouraged one another in our walk with the Lord.
School, I am Finally!! done.  I graduated on May 14th in Lansdale, PA with my Masters in Christian counseling.  I was cheered on by precious friends in the area, a fellow missionary friend from Mexico City, Darlene Gabler, long time co-laborers, Bob and Terri Metze and the best surprise of all, the oldest of my brothers drove all night from NC to be at my graduation.  The entire day was such an amazing blur but wonderfully so.  I finished and finished well, I’m excited to see how the Lord uses these skills further in the ministry here in Mexico City.
The day after graduation I left for Germany (a trip paid for by some who love me very much), to celebrate the completion of seminary.  The trip thus far has been beyond a blessing.  Just meeting and staying with fellow believers has been such a wonderful highlight of the trip.  It is very humbling to meet and hear the testimonies of fellow believers who share such passion for sharing the Gospel with those who have never heard.  If this was all we got to see and do it would have been worth it all.
As soon as I make it back home (Mexico City), there is so much more to be done.  I have been invited to the sierra (mountains) of Vera Cruz, some call it the “jungle” to do teacher training there for several churches (probably for about 2 weeks).  Those of you who know me well know I am anything but a jungle girl so it should be interesting.  It would have been easy to say I’d pass but I truly do believe there is a need for teacher training in local churches so while the whole jungle theme kind of is daunting for me I’m willing to go.  As I get more details I’ll share them with you so you will know how to pray!
Thank you for the wonderful love and support system that you are each a part of that makes what I do look easy.  I am extremely blessed.

Because He Lives!
Cynthia Castillo

PS.  My immigration process for my Visa will begin all over again when I arrive in Mexico on June 9th.  Please pray.  The last word I heard was that I would NOT have to take my car to the border after all.  What a relief!!  Thank you for your prayers on my behalf!!!  Please just pray that the process is quick as I still cannot use my car during that time.  I’ve been without the use of my car since March 15th.  If you want to see pics of my trip to Germany see my Facebook account.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Settling In and Staying Busy

Jan-Feb 2011

Dear Praying Friends,

When I wrote last I was just beginning transition once again in ministry; going from working with an American missionary couple to working under National leadership.  I am so happy to report that the transition has been phenomenal and beyond what I could ever have imagined, isn't that just how God does things?
Probably the hardest part of transition was the first Sunday I attended church by myself without the Hydes.  I felt a little overwhelmed; I felt like I was alone for the first time, BUT I didn’t have time to feel that for long at all.  That first Sunday was our Christmas program and as I sat watching everyone rehearse, the pastor’s mom came over and sat by me to talk.  Valeria told me she and her family had been talking about me the night before and felt it important for me to know that they loved me and were excited that we’d be working together.  They also talked about the fact that with the Hydes gone it would be of utmost importance that they look out for me, and they have and have been so loving!!
            As a single missionary working with a couple, you become a part of their family and have that security of knowing you always have someone that is looking out for you.  When “my” couple left it was kind of scary.  The pastor I work under is young and single with an equally young fiancé.  But God in his wisdom placed me exactly where I needed to be.  Pastor Hugo, while young has the maturity, pastor’s heart and dependence on the Lord’s wisdom to lead his congregation.  His fiancé Jessica shares his passion for ministry and is eager to learn whatever she can to be used of God.  So really what I’d like you to know about this transition is that I LOVE how God has arranged and prepared the place he has me serving now. 
Here’s a quick look at what’s going on in the ministry and what I’m doing...hope you’re ready because it still makes my head spin at times. BUT, I am having so much fun and absolutely loving the challenges.  Ready?  I’m backing up and helping to train the new Sunday School director of the children’s ministry.  I’m mentoring three women weekly (including the Pastor’s fiancé) in leadership for women’s ministry and beginning a women’s ministry.  Right now we’re doing monthly meetings for the women of the church (which have been SO fun and well-received).  Part of the mentoring, includes how and why (Biblical basis) to have a women’s ministry, how to reach and minister to women, how to prepare devotions (studying and sharing from God’s Word).  I’m also helping to organize our VBS (I prefer sooner than later) and assisting two other missionaries with their VBS organization.  I was asked to do an 8 week Bible study for single women at a sister church and am taking the opportunity during this Bible study to train one of our ladies in preparation for a Sunday School class of young ladies in our church.  I’m also getting to do teacher training for several of our sister churches in the area.  I just started one on Saturday and will start another in about 3 weeks at another church...I’m getting to TEACH THEM TO REACH THEM.  I think that’s everything for NOW, oh wait I’m finishing my course work for my Masters, I have two classes to finish.  As you can see there’s much going on but God has enabled me to keep it all straight.  Right now the goal is survive until May (said with a smile).  I’ll be stateside in May for graduation from Seminary and I’m so excited about finally finishing!!!  The journey through God’s Word has been amazing and it has so enhanced my love for and knowledge of my Savior. Please pray for good health and great time management over the next couple of months.
            The ministry itself is growing and there is an excitement in the congregation for all that the Lord is doing.  We recently began cell groups and have guests every week.  We’ve seen new guests at church every week as a result and are seeing hearts begin to turn to the Lord as they are hearing the Gospel.  We are also seeing many in our congregation that are getting involved in the ministry.  It’s an exciting time.  Pray for wisdom for our pastor as we look for a new place to meet...we have so outgrown our current space.
One very important prayer request, my passport was JUST renewed and I’m beginning the Visa process again (done yearly), normally it takes 6-8 weeks for the Visa process.  My current Visa expires March 25th.  Please pray that the process goes through quickly or I will be without transportation until the Visa process is done.  Being without a car right now because of everything going on would be really difficult.  I covet your prayers during this process.
Thank you for your continued love and prayers, our Lord answers them in ways I could NEVER have imagined.

Love and prayers,
Cynthia Castillo

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Good-byes and changes can be difficult

Oct-Dec 2010

Dear Prayer Partners,

              The last couple of months have been a whirlwind.  After returning from a missions conference  in TN where I was totally refreshed and encouraged I headed back to Mexico to a jam packed schedule.  While I was gone I was scheduled by my team to begin Teacher Training.  I had two weeks to  observe the current Sunday School staff, familiarize myself with  the  ministry, assess the existing children’s ministry and curriculum as well as put together a plan of action. 
              We  began the teacher training with lots of anticipation and excitement and maintained it through the next 8 weeks.  We began with 14 teachers and had 11 that completed the entire course.  It was hectic but fun.  Two weeks ago we finished our last class and what a difference we have seen already in the Children’s ministry.  The ministry had a couple of teachers who had experience but lacked some fundamentals.  
              We implemented a curriculum  that is intended to give  children a foundational knowledge of God’s Word along with including a very clear presentation of God’s plan for their salvation.  Where once stories were told (often without a Bible being opened), now the teachers are excited about the lessons, studying the lessons and delving into God’s Word.  The kids are enjoying the curriculum as well. The children’s ministry is now organized and includes teachers who teach with a purpose.  We’re looking forward to great things from this ministry.
               A little bit off topic but not so much as you’ll that the very most difficult thing about being a missionary is the constant good-byes.  A year ago when I returned from furlough, the couple I’ve worked with for the past 6 years informed me that they were praying about returning to the US, they were experiencing God’s nudging and wanted to be sure before they made any plans.  I felt a little out of breath for a little bit because the idea of not working with them anymore was not one I relished, they weren’t just my team they were/are very dear friends.  We had began a work together and shared in the joys and at times sorrows through the growth process.  We were in awe together as we watched the Lord work in the lives of the people of our church.  If they were going to be leaving what would become of the work we had begun?  There were lots of things to consider and pray about.  
               Over the past year we have done LOTS of praying and depending on the Lord to lead us.  In regards to the congregation, the Lord moved as only he could.  We met a young pastor (Hugo) about 15 min from us that had started a work about 3 years ago, they like us thought we were the only ones where we were.  We shared several fellowship and ministry opportunities over the year and again as only the Lord could orchestrate it, a situation came up that required our pastor to go home for 6 weeks.  During that time our
congregation was invited to attend his church and they all went.  
               Our pastor and Hugo prayed together often and for quite a while before the idea of rolling the two congregations together became an idea.  It has been such a seamless joining that it can only be attributed to the hand of God.  When entering the church no one would ever know this was a church made up of two congregations because in fact they have become one.  
               The vote to combine the two congregations took place during the time I was Stateside for the mission conference.  Prior to going to the missions conference I had been on loan to another church to do a children’s discipleship program so I had not attended the church with the combined congregations but was kept abreast of the ongoing process.  I was excited for our people because for the first time they didn’t feel so isolated thinking they were the only believers in the area.  The combining of the two congregations has done much to grow them and encourage them.
               While all this was going on I was still wondering what was going to happen to me, who would I work with next?  I was little freaked out at the prospect of starting all over again but also knew and trusted that whatever plan the Lord had for me would be the right plan.  It truly is amazing how the Lord works everything out and without a doubt with HIS time table in mind...not mine.   There are many things that have been working to get me to where I am tonight as I write this, I’m finishing up my Masters finally in May, I’m continuing my Instructor Certification through CEF, and most of all I have a growing passion and desire to dedicate myself to training others to teach and reach others with the gospel effectively.  For quite some time now I have seen the need for effective training programs for churches to develop their teaching staff.
              Because I was involved in a church plant, I had quite a few responsibilities that prohibited me from being gone for any length of time to train teachers in other churches, yet in 2010 alone I had the privilege of training 80+ teachers. Only in eternity will we know the full impact of those 80 teachers.  
             God is SO good.  While at the time I did not see what He was doing and was a little nervous about the future, he had things under control.  Doesn’t he always?
             So let me share what I get to do now for this next phase of ministry, I still get to be involved in a church plant but with the flexibility of being away to do teacher training in and around Mexico City and wherever the Lord leads.  In our church plant for the most part it was the missionaries that were still carrying the load of teaching.  With this church plant where I will be working (where I just completed the 8 week teacher training) there are now 11 trained teachers.  They now have someone in place as the Director of Children’s Ministries and a full program developed for the next year (I was working to get everything in place because I thought I would be somewhere else).  The great need right now for the church is with the women of the church, in their discipleship (which is something I love to do as well), which can be done during the week. I have requests from several churches in the area to come and train their teachers...I can’t wait to get started.               
            I’d ask that you pray as I make the adjustment from working with my previous team (whom I will miss so very much) to working under the leadership of a national pastor.  Working under a national pastor does not mean I’ll be on my own here. Jorge and Aimee Rodriguez fellow BIMI missionaries live within walking distance of my apt so I’ll still have the support and care of my fellow missionaries. I’m looking forward to what the Lord has in store for the ministry here.  I get to continue with the kids I’ve ministered to over the last few years. 
            Pray as the Lord provides opportunities to train teachers throughout the City and even Mexico.  In February 2011 I head back to Tlalpa, Guererro for additional training with the group of 65 teachers we trained in Jan 2010.  I’m joining with a group of CEF instructors (part of my certification) to do a more intensive training, you can pray for safety during this trip.  Pray also as I juggle the last two classes for my Masters and the Capstone Project I must complete for graduation.  Another matter of prayer, I’m in the process of translating a brochure I designed about the teacher training program, it will be available for missionaries and national pastors alike.  I’m also in the process of converting my training program (something separate from CEF) into a full Power Point presentation to insure a professionalpresentation.

There are several needs as a result of this new phase of ministry:
*Printing costs for 1000 full-color brochures in both languages
*A Projector for the training presentation
*Large format printer (13 x 19)—the one I’ve used for the past 6 years no longer has drivers to support the
current operating system of my laptop.  The large format printer has been invaluable as it has allowed me to
create and provide visuals for churches, as well as provide them visualized songs.
              I was still wondering even up to just a week ago what the Lord was going to do with me next and wow when he plans, he plans good.  I’m so very excited about what is in store for the cause of Christ here in Mexico City.
              I pray you have a blessed Christmas Season and a New Year that will challenge you to love him more.  It has been a privilege to have served on your behalf this past year.  Thank you for your faithful sacrifice.

Because He Lives, 
Cynthia Castillo

Discipleship for Children

July-August 2010

                  The last few months have been equally busy as every other month.  My home church sent me to a retreat for missionaries in July, the retreat took place in Colorado Springs and wow was  it ever so refreshing.  It was a blessing to be in the company of so many other missionaries and hear their stories of ministry in their respective fields.  I arrived back home refreshed, which was a good thing because there were 7 girls in my apt when I got home.  My down stairs neighbors and fellow missionaries the Metzes hosted 3 different groups and I usually keeps the girls of the group.  I was here for one  group and gone for the second and came in the middle of the 3rd.  My house was wall -to-wall air mattresses.  Thankfully there was enough room for everyone, although an extra bathroom might have been nice, they were a great group so they worked really well together the whole week. 
                After returning from the retreat I jumped right back into the swing of things.  Prior to leaving for the retreat another missionary couple (Mark & Donna Whiffen) had asked me about the possibility of spending some time with their ministry to help them disciple their children who are saved and just help with some ideas for their children’s ministry.  I spent two weeks visiting with the Whiffen’s ministry to get to know the kids before beginning the discipleship program. 
               The first day of the program was a pretty amazing day.  The class started out with a couple of the kids looking like they weren’t sure if they were going to like the program.  As the class progressed it was so cool watching the transformation as it took place.  Their attention was piqued when we began to discuss security of the believer and briefly baptism, suddenly everyone was sitting up listening intently with hands raised to get their questions answered.  The tide had turned and I had the kids attention.
               The parents had been told about the discipleship program and the devotions that came with it, so not only were the kids engaged, so were the parents.  On Monday Donna called the different kids to remind them about their devotions, what she found out from the parents was that the kids were eagerly doing their devotions.  The following Sunday they all had their devotional book done for the week AND they had ALL learned their memory verse.  
              This past week one of the parents mentioned to Donna that she had seen a difference in her sons’  interest in the things of the Lord, so much so that now they were concerned and witnessing to their dad who is an unbeliever.  Isn’t it amazing what a difference having security of salvation can make in a believer’s life?  Pray as we continue our discipleship.  I’m in the process of helping this church work on a plan for their children’s ministry.
              I did want to update you on some of the results of the teacher training I did back in June.  I met with Ruth last week and she shared that her teacher is SO excited about teaching as she now sees how God’s plan for salvation is intertwined throughout the Bible not just in the Gospels.  She’s been so excited and as a result has shared that wonder with her husband, he recently told the Pastor that he’d like to be come more involved as well.  Yay!!!  I’ve also been invited to two more churches to do the teacher training, as well as  a follow-up training at the Hornbrooks' church. 
             The Lord is opening more and more doors for me to realize my passion of Teaching Them to Reach Them.  I can’t wait to share with you some other upcoming opportunities.  In the meantime please pray that I will be sensitive to the Lord’s leading and not get ahead of Him.  I truly love what I do and could not imagine doing anything else.  Thank you for partnering with me to see the Gospel spread to the littlest of Mexico City.

Cynthia Castillo