June-August 2009
Over the Summer I got to ask the question “what do cucumbers and koalas have to do with one another?” Normally the answer would be absolutely nothing. But since much in a missionary’s life is rarely described as normal then cucumbers and koalas do actually have something in common. Before you think I’ve been in the sun way too long let me explain. While on furlough I had the opportunity to help out in two different Vacation Bible Schools, one in my home church and the other at another supporting church. The theme of one VBS was Veggie Tales, so we had cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables as our “friends”. I had the opportunity to work with a really great team and get to know quite a few of the kids .
The other VBS I got to work in incorporated an “Outback” theme, so instead of vegetables we had koalas, crocodiles, dingoes and kangaroos. This VBS ran 5 days straight, while a little hectic it was entirely different from the other. I had the privilege of sharing a missionary story (TiFam by CEF) with the children. This story has been around for what seems like forever and yet it still fascinates children. You can’t help but love the reaction of the kids when you tell them they’ll have to “come back tomorrow to see what happens”. The kids were so enthralled, it reminded me so much of when I heard my first missionary story as a child. At the first VBS I directed crafts and snacks, which sounds like the easiest job, but wow coordinating pudding scooping and sprinkle sprinkling to 150+ kids is no easy task. All the helpers survived and the kids got to see concoctions for snacks they’d never seen or hoped to see again!
God truly worked in both VBS programs, in the second church they’ve seen families get saved, baptized, join the church, become involved and even invite friends themselves...all because of a VBS their child attended and the faithful follow-up of church members. In both churches we saw children who came to know the Lord as their Savior. Working in both of the VBS programs made me miss ministry in Mexico so much but this sure did help with the homesickness.
Over the summer I also had some knee surgery which was minor and went really well. With recovery and physical therapy the whole thing only took about a month and the knee seems to be functioning well again, thankfully. The Lord provided some wonderful people to help care for me during the week of recuperation and through physical therapy. Even my being faraway from home or family, is not a challenge to the Lord.
In other news last time I wrote I’d asked for prayer as I shopped to replace my vehicle, I am so excited (even now) to report that the Lord provided exactly the vehicle I had prayed for and at an amazing price, the whole transaction was so smooth. I am now well-equipped to traverse the crazy roads of Mexico City. Thank you so much for praying.
My time on furlough truly has been a time of refreshment, I’ve had the opportunity to visit some of my supporting churches, spend time with family and friends and just recharge for my return to the field in November. It doesn’t seem as if the time will come fast enough but at the same time it has flown by.
I thank you for your faithful prayers and support, I truly am reminded daily that there are many who pray on my behalf, I don’t take that for granted.
For Him,
Cynthia Castillo